Fabian G. Williams aka Fabs

Fabian G. Williams

Principal Product Manager, Microsoft Subscribe to my YouTube.

Mask Mandate Survey Results - 1 Week

Sentiment Analysis Charts and Graphs from the Survey Respondents after 1 Week

Fabian Williams

4-Minute Read

Survey Results Are In!


Checking in on the results after 1 week in the wild of publishing this survey https://www.thatsgreatfeedback.com/maskmandatesapril22 about the news Mask Mandate is lifted to capture feedback on how thsi affects you and the results are tabulated again.

The Results are in!

Huge Thanks to all the folks out there who took the time to fill out the brief 5 question Anonymous survey that yielded the below results! As my good buddy Bill Baer taunted me yesterday & I dont think he would mind me sharing this 😊 ”…the biggest problem…you need a big dataset” Notwithstanding we are now at 84 responses to the survey with 12 of the response coming in in the 1st 2 days.

The Past 1 Week

There were 5 questions posed and in one free from response the question asked centered around folks reaction to the federal ruling to lift mask mandates. There was a bit of ebb & flow over the course of the week where sentiments went vastly negative with very poloarized feelings towards the lifting of the mask mandate by the federal judge, however as of this morning, while we DOUBLED our amount of responses, the overall sentiments remained statistacially even with nuances about:

  1. Whether one would continue to wear a mask in Public Transportation
  2. Emotive reactions to the news
  3. Population / Role of those responding to the survey

A world cloud below homed in on

  • People
  • Judge
  • Well

Question Posed: 5. How do you think this decision was handled? *:


| Fig.1 - Word Cloud showing Intensity to #5 Question posed|

Subjectivity and Polarity

When it comes to Subjectivity in this context of this research, it quantifies the amount of personal opinion and factual informaiton contained in the response to an open ended quesiton like question number five (5), whilst Polarity defines the orientation of the response measuring how positive, negative, or neutral the consideration to the question being posed and its response. After 1 week, minus the ebb & flow previously mentioned, the count has changed but by and large the sentiment and polarity remains similar in that by a VERY SLIM margin people expressed more positive sentiments to the Mask Mandate being lifted by judicial decree, than negative.

Question Posed: 5. How do you think this decision was handled? *:

Plot Graph

| Fig.3a - Scatter Plot showing Subjectivity & Polarity in response to #5 Question posed|

We saw forty one point thirty seven point 3 37.3% positive sentiments with 34.9% negative responses based on our NLP model. Overall sentiments are also shown in the below histogram.

Respondents Sentments

| Fig.3b - Histogram showing response to #5 Question posed|


There’s lots of ways we can slice and dice these responses, in fact the structure of the survey is to ask 4 closed questions and 1 open one, using sentiment analysis to study the open quesiton and statisitcal observations over the other four. One corrolary that was stricking was Emotive Feelings to the Mask Mandate decision relative to Whether or not the responder would continue to wear a mask in public transporation settings. For example, if you look at the emotive responses below

Question Posed: 1. How do you feel about the lifting of mask mandates on public transportation?

Respondents Feelings

| Fig.4 - Responders feeling towards ruling of mask mandate lifted|

relative to the responses of of to wear or not to wear below you can see

Respondents To Wearing Mask

that folk still favor wearing mask in public transportation almost 2:1 even though the amount of responders citing “Happiness” in the decision ranked second overall.

If you have not taken this survey please consider doing so by clicking the link here

Please consider taking the Survey here https://www.thatsgreatfeedback.com/maskmandatesapril22

and if you have not seen the 1st 24 hour report as a measure to where we are now, you can also catch up on that here

See the Report 24 hours in here https://fabswill.com/blog/maskmandatesresults/

Who Took our Poll

Our poll is anonymous but we asked the respondents to identify by impact their relationship to the topic, the feedback we got indicated:

Question Posed: 4. As a personal impact by this decision. Are you a?

Respondents Role

| Fig.6 - How do people taking the survey identify|

Finally, If you have not yet… Please consider taking the Survey here https://www.thatsgreatfeedback.com/maskmandatesapril22l

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Cheers! Fabs

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