ErgoChair 2 Survey Results
Sentiment Analysis Charts and Graphs from the Survey Respondents

Working from home can take a toll on you… in many ways… but one of which can be your physical health. Not something you notice immediately but perhaps end of day or perhaps over a period of a few months or heaven forbid… something progressive over a longer period of time. Having a work environment that promotes healthy habits is important and that can be accomplished by injecting some mobility at your desk throughout the day as well as equipping yourselves with ergonomic fixtures such as tables and chairs. I did a blog post about my new ergonomic chair as well as a survey around the topic as well here – The 1st 24 hours results are in… see below
Huge Thanks to all the folks out there who took the time to fill out the brief 5 question Anonymous survey that yielded the below results!
The 1st 24 Hours
There were 5 questions posed and in one free from response the question asked centered around the evolution of how and where people worked. By and large the sentiments from those feedback collected was overwhelmingly positive in the 1st 24 hours of responses collected. A world cloud below homed in on
- People
- Balance
- Life
Overall Sentiments
Out of the 5 questions posed, there was 1 open ended question and I keyed off that for a lot of the analysis, here is a snapshot of the top 10 anonymous feedback provided
I was happy to see that people really shared their unique and individual perspectives candidly, sentiments were highly subjective & as a testament to the above word cloud, the polarity index trended in a positive direction overall.
We saw seventy five percent 75% positive sentiments with 12.5% negative responses based on our NLP model.
The blog post really centered around Physical Wellbeing and argued that ergonomic fixtures such as Tables, Chairs, Keyboards, Mouse, etc., really promotes a positive position towards physical wellbeing in the office. One centerpiece question centered around whether employers and companies should treat work from home/WFH employees equitable to their colleagues that come into the office. The argument being that usually you will find office furniture inside the office a better quality and also more ergonomically sound to encourage and promote a happier and more productive work environment.
There was a corollary in that respondents to the survey overwhelmingly said Absolutely and/or Possibly with no one yet taking the position of No… I suspect the 16 folks in this 24 hour of survey taking are mainly Employees and not Employers ??? Dunno
Please consider taking the Survey here
When asked how many folks either have an Ergonomic WFH setup or considering one, the results were 50-50, so even folks that didn’t have the benefit of this WFH Ergo setup, understood the value and took the position of equity for WFH employees
Furthermore, when asked how many meetings folks had over the period of one week, you can see that most respondents are having Over Ten per week. I can only encourage those folks to as best you can
- Stand up for some of those meetings
- Of-course sit for those you can, or have to base on your role and what you are doing in the meeting
- In between meetings, take a walk, stretch, move around…
10 per week is a lot. I am in that category myself, there are time I have 10 per day! and those are not fun 😄 fortunately that is more the exception than the rule and is usually tied to an event we are planning or an program I am running with external participants that span the globe in terms of geography and time zones.
The 1st 7 Days
See you in a week! & If you have not yet… Please consider taking the Survey here
The 1st Month
The 1st Quarter
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Cheers! Fabs